Curriculum Intent Statement |
At Ridgewood we are ambitious for all our pupils, we believe that children and young people with SEND have the same aspirations, needs and rights as all young people. All of our young people have EHCPs and these support their educational opportunities through SMART targets and appropriate provision, delivered by highly experienced staff using bespoke, thematic and vocational curricula, in a purpose-built school environment.
We plan the curriculum that raises aspirations through creative learning opportunities, so that all pupils have access to lessons which offer different ways of teaching to suit a range of learning styles and abilities. Through collaborative curriculum planning, cognition and learning is taken into consideration, and a broad range of activities help pupils to practise, transfer and generalise knowledge and skills, to support independence.
The curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning, employment and supported living, it incorporates opportunities to develop communication and interaction, and creates opportunities for meaningful and personalised learning. It teaches pupils to use technologies safely and provides opportunities to practise skills in context.
The physical and mental health of pupils is carefully considered, and appropriate learning opportunities are identified to ensure pupils are effectively supported, so that they can apply their skills and knowledge throughout school and in later life.
The vocational curriculum pupils engage with the wider community and develop life and living skills, so that they are active participants in their lives and are able to fulfil their aspirations.
The Social, emotional and mental health of all our pupils pervades the whole curriculum and school life, both on a daily basis and in preparing them for life outside of school as active participants in their own lives as far as is possible. To this end, the curriculum aims to prepare pupils to remain safe, be happy and progress successfully through their school life and beyond.
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