Dear Parent/Carer

Medicines in School Draft Policy Parent / Carer Feedback

Lancashire Special School Headteachers have been working alongside NHS representatives, special school nurses and LCC to produce an updated Medicines in School Policy and Guidance which is based on the DfE Medicines in School Guidance.

As part of this work we require feedback from a range of stakeholders including parents / carers of children and young people who attend a special school within Lancashire.

This policy / guidance is particularly relevant to parents / carers who have children with medical needs we would also appreciate feedback from parents /carers if your son / daughter does not have any medical needs.

The Policy / Guidance is still a draft version and the group working on its production are still open to change any aspects of the following stakeholder feedback.

I would be grateful if you could complete the feedback form, attached and return it to or by Friday 22nd October, 2021.

If you require a paper version then please contact reception. Any paper copies should also be sent back to school by Friday 22nd October, 2021 so that they can be scanned and returned to LCC.

Thank you for your help and support with this.

Mr I Carden



The links for the draft policy, the feedback form and a further letter from Lancashire County Council can be found below.  

Ridgewood Community High School: Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions Policy
Draft Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions Policy Document
Feedback Form
Letter from Lancashire County Council