Year 6 to Year 7 Transition to Ridgewood Community High School |
Welcome to the transition section of our website.
If you are interested in looking at Ridgewood as your child's new school in Year 7, you could be interested in booking a Transition Tour where you will have an opportunity to visit our school and meet our staff!
If your child is joining us in September as a new year 7 pupil, this part of the school website is just for you!
On here, you will find lots of information to answer all the questions that we are sure you will have.
We know that moving from primary to secondary school can be an anxious time for parents and pupils. We hope we can reassure you that this is also an exciting time.
We are here to welcome you and support you every step of the way.
What will be happening in the Summer Term?:
You are invited to look around school at a convenient time to suit you and your child.
Please ring the school office and ask for Mrs Rostron (01282 953653) or email Mrs Robinson ( to organise when you would like to come and visit.
Towards the end of the summer term, your child and the other Y6 pupils, will have the opportunity to come and spend some time in school for transition activity days. These transition activity dates have been confirmed as:
We are also holding a Meet the Teachers Day, where parents can meet teachers and our school nurse, and take the opportinuty to ask questions or receive support about transition paperwork. Meet the teachers day is confirmed as:
In addition, the Y7 class teachers will organise to come and see your child and their teachers and support staff in their primary school setting. This is useful to build a picture of you child’s strengths and needs to make sure we have everything in place ready for September.
Where possible, Mrs Robinson will also attend the Y6 annual review of your child’s EHCP.
Keep checking this section of the website because we will keep adding new information. If you have a question that has not been answered on this page, please email: or our office manager and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Looking forward to meeting you soon.
Mrs Robinson.
Acting Deputy Headteacher & Y7 Transitions Coordinator.
Transition Parent Pack
All necessary documents will be issued to parents and carers of new starters