
Here you can find links to online resources that give useful information on a range of different topics.

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NHS information about Measles

Lancashire Family Hubs Network - Lancashire County Council

Lancashire Family Hubs is a network of support for parents and families in the Lancashire area. Burnley Tay Street is our most local hub which offers support and guidance to parents as well as awareness and wellbeing sessions.

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) - local offer - Lancashire County Council
The SEND local offer can support parents in raising concerns, seeking further help or simply finding out what support is available beyond the ehcp for our children.


Things to do - Lancashire County Council

The Youth zones in Pendle and Burnley offer activities for children outside of school hours and a safe place to socialise. There are specific youth groups suitable for SEN which the schools pastoral team can support with signposting to.

Requesting support from Children's Services - Lancashire County Council

Requesting additional support for families is something that the pastoral team can support with. If families feel that additional support is required within the home, they can self-refer to child and family wellbeing services or request support from the pastoral team with this.

Break Time short break activities - Lancashire County Council

Lancashire breaktime is a service which most of Ridgewood pupils would be eligible to apply for. Watch this space for when applications open. The pastoral team will inform families of when the next wave of applications open. Ridgewood is also a provider of breaktime services through Friends of Ridgewood.

Community Learning Disability Service :: Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (

The community learning disability service is able to offer additional support in a wide range of areas. Families can self refer, or discuss with the pastoral team regarding this. Support can range from behavioural to hygiene as well as setting boundaries and routines.


Down town is situated in the heart of Burnley town centre and are available for provide support and guidance services.


Thinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command.

Since 2006, Thinkuknow has been keeping children and young people safe by providing education about sexual abuse and sexual exploitation.

Autism and Internet Safety Resource from
Inclusive digital Safety "So you got naked online" guide for young people
Ambitious about Autism Coronavirus and Autism

Reporting centre for harmful content Parents guide to technology parents and carers hub Reviews for media content, such as films and books, that parents and carers can trust
NSPCC Advice around understanding sexual behaviour in young people
Operation Encompass Support to children experiencing domestic abuse
Vaccinations General advice and information around vaccinations and immunisations