Dear Parent/Carer
Over the last couple of months, we have been working with our Governors to update our PSHE/RSHE policy to comply with the changes that the Department of Education announced to Relationships and Sex Education last year.
Information and FAQ relating to the new statutory guidance see can be found at this Government website:
We recommend you read the new guidance.
Here at Ridgewood, as with all subject areas, your child will be taught at a developmental level that is appropriate to their individual needs. We also held a consultation period which gave parents and carers the opportunity to ask questions and give feedback about our new PSHE/RSE policy. We valued the responses we received and took them into careful consideration.
The link for our PSHE/RSE policy can be found below.
Ridgewood Community High School PHSE/RSHE |
PSHE and RSHE Policy Document |