Pupil premium strategy statement
The Pupil Premium 2021-2022 priorities are part of a new 3-year strategy to ensure the best support is in place for maximising progress for the most vulnerable learners in addition to our core provision. As a special school, we have responsibility to use this funding to ‘narrow the gap’ for this specific cohort of learners. We have utilised the Department for Education guidance for school leaders 1 November 2021. This format was approved by our Governing Body.
Our School Improvement Partner (SIP) reviews our monitoring and the impact of our strategy implementation each academic year.
School is committed to personalised learning and a holistic approach to the individual needs of each pupil. School assessments and evaluations, which are fed back via regular reports to the governing body and overseen by key Governors, confirm that learners who are eligible for Pupil Premium are meeting targets and making progress in line with their peers.
Which gaps are we narrowing?
At Ridgewood Community High School, we are ambitious for all our pupils. Specific gaps in learning are identified through carefully planned assessments, focused interventions are then planned and implemented to ensure the gap is narrowed. This supports our learners in meeting the outcomes identified in their Education Health and Care Plans.
These aspirational goals are highlighted in our ‘Curriculum Map’ and include the following key areas:
Detail |
Data |
School name |
Ridgewood Community High School |
Number of pupils in school |
162 |
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils |
48% (78 pupils) |
Boys |
114 (57 PP) |
Girls |
48 (21 PP) |
44 (18 PP) |
Academic years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers |
2021/2022 to 2024/2025 |
Date this statement was published |
April 2022 |
Date on which it will be reviewed |
March 2023 |
Statement authorised by |
Ian Carden, Headteacher |
Pupil premium lead |
Julie Naylor |
Governor / Trustee lead |
David Preston |
Funding overview
Detail |
Amount |
Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year (78-7= 71) |
£955 Per pupil £67,805 Total |
LAC Pupil premium funding (7) |
£2,345Per pupil £16,415 Total |
Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable) |
£0 |
Total budget for this academic year
£84,220 |
Predicted 2023-2024 £93,709
Predicted 2024-2025 £95,584
Our aim is to use pupil premium funding to help us achieve and sustain positive outcomes for our disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils. Evidence suggests that pupil premium spending is most effective when schools use a tiered approach, spending across 3 main areas, with a particular focus on teaching, targeted academic interventions and wider strategies.Focused, high-quality teaching, in areas that disadvantaged pupils require it most, alongside targeted support based on robust diagnostic assessment of need, will ensure that our pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. The targeted additional support for some pupils, will include one-to-one tuition and discrete group work. Although our strategy is focused on the needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils, it will benefit all pupils in our school where funding is spent on whole-school approaches, such as high-quality teaching. Implicit in the intended outcomes detailed below, is the intention that outcomes for non-disadvantaged pupils will be improved alongside progress for their disadvantaged peers. The quality of teaching will be assured through training and professional development for teachers, effective recruitment and retention procedures and support for teachers early in their careers. Wider strategies will include a focus on non-academic challenges that are negatively affecting our pupils’ education and impact their access to learning. Challenges at Ridgewood include: · attendance and levels of persistent absence · behaviour incidences and exclusions data · wellbeing, mental health and safeguarding concerns · access to technology and educational materials. Pupil Premium will enable strategies such as school breakfast clubs, counselling to support emotional health and wellbeing, and help with the cost of educational trips and visits, including work related learning. We will provide disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils with support to develop independent life and social skills and continue to ensure that high-quality work experience, careers guidance and further support for life after school. This will help us to ensure that we offer them the relevant skills and experience they require to be prepared for adulthood. All programmes will be set in consultation with school leaders, the designated safeguarding lead, the class and specialist teachers and the Pupil Support Team. Where appropriate, advice will be taken from relevant external partners, such as the Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologists, School Nursing team.
This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.
Challenge number |
Detail of challenge |
Success criteria |
Intended outcome |
1 |
Our assessments show that disadvantaged pupils make similar progress in English to their peers, but there is a 2% gap in their progress for mathematics. |
The new programmes of study provide increased levels of challenge for all pupils. Disadvantaged pupils continue to maintain similar levels of progress in line with their peers, in English and close the gap in maths. |
Improved attainment relative to starting points as identified through baseline assessment |
2 |
Our assessments show that disadvantaged pupils have a 4-point gap, compared to their peers, in their comprehension skills when assessed using Lexplore Diagnostic tool. |
Disadvantaged pupils increase their comprehension skills in line with progress achieved by their peers. |
Improved attainment relative to starting points as identified through baseline assessment
3 |
Pupils with physical difficulties are not consistently gaining daily access to physiotherapists or physiotherapy programmes.
The physiotherapy programme has sufficient capacity to meet the needs of all pupils with a physical difficulty. MOVE programmes are set for those pupils who need it most though collaboration with family, school and therapist. Programmes are implemented across school and at home. Pupil’s reach their MOVEment potential. |
All pupils with a physical difficulty maintain or improve their physical / movement skills to their individual potentials, including agility, balance and coordination, through personalised daily exercise and movement programmes. Improved / sustained physical skills relative to starting points as identified through baseline assessment
4 |
Our assessments, observations, and conversations with pupils and their families through the EHCP, show that our pupils have greater challenges around communicating and expressing their needs. This includes non-verbal pupils and those with limited language and social interaction difficulties. |
All pupils are more able to communicate effectively to express their needs using alternative communication aids and strategies. |
Pupils can use a range of communication systems and strategies to aid their understanding and to develop expressive communication skills. |
5 |
Our assessments, observations, and conversations with pupils and their families show that our pupils have greater challenges around wellbeing, mental health and safeguarding concerns.
Increased staff awareness around safeguarding and supporting pupils’ wellbeing, mental and physical health. Staff CPD identified and actioned when necessary. |
Pupils are healthy and happy and feel safe in school. Positive impact on attendance and behaviour. |
Our assessments, observations, and conversations with pupils and their families show that our pupils have greater challenges around their behaviour. (61% of pupils that have a recorded behavioural incident, are disadvantaged pupils). |
Effective strategies lower the number of behavioural incidences that have disadvantaged status as an underlying factor. EEF_Non- cognitive_skills_literature_review_1.pdf
Decreased number of behavioural incidences, Effective interventions followed up by class teams, which in turn improve learning outcomes reflected in KPI data.
7 |
Our data highlights that attendance figures are a cause for action. 47% of disadvantaged pupils have an attendance record under 90%
(Currently a total of 47% of whole school population have persistent absentee status).
Improved attendance across the PP cohort with lower persistent absentee numbers. Effective attendance strategies embedded across school. All pupils benefit from whole school attendance strategy.
Effective intervention strategies to engage pupils in their families which in turn improve outcomes.
This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) academic year 2022/23 to address the challenges listed above.
Budgeted cost: £33,000
Activity |
Cost |
Challenge number(s) addressed |
Whole school Numeracy support |
£16,500 |
1 |
Whole school Literacy support |
£8,500 |
1 & 2 |
Support for specific learning difficulties, including. Speech and Language |
£8,000 |
2 & 4 |
Targeted support- Targeted interventions from Pupil Support Team
Budgeted cost: £33,666
Activity |
Cost |
Challenge number(s) addressed |
Pupil Support Team: Interventions include: Self esteem On call behaviour Online safety Positive relationship building NEST Drop in sessions Positive playtimes Emotions Girls on Board |
£33,666 |
4, 5, 6 & 7 |
Behaviour Support
6 & 7 |
Wider intervention strategies for attendance, mobility, speech, language and communication.
Budgeted cost: £ 17,554
Activity |
Cost |
Challenge number(s) addressed |
Attendance |
£3,000 |
7 |
Individual pupil equipment/ personal items |
£12,554 |
3 & 4 |
Physical intervention programme |
£2,000 |
3 |
Total budgeted cost: £84,220