At Ridgewood Community High School, we have a strong and active Board of Governors. Our Governors meet regularly and have distinctive roles. They meet once a term as
a full governing body, and every term in subcommittees, these are:
• Finance, Personnel & Resources
• Teaching, Learning & Standards
• Buildings, Health & Safety
These committees report to the full Governing body with recommendations. Governors core strategic functions are:
• Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
• Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
• Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure the school adheres to the financial policies
Members of our Governing Body are:
Chair of Governors | |
Mr David Preston |
Governor Roles:
Headteacher Governor |
Mr Ian Carden |
Governor Roles:
Parent Governors | |
Mrs Nicola O'Sullivan |
Governor Role:
Staff Governors | |
Mr Andrew Clare |
Governor Role:
Mrs Jayne Rostron |
Governor Role:
Community Governors | |
Mr Robert Browning |
Governor Role:
Mr Mark Cain |
Governor Role:
Mrs Janet Wyatt |
Governor Role: